desert, only desert....
The temenos is a rejection of any predetermined value in architecture;
an interior where boundaries cease to exist, where use is never prescribed, where value cannot be quantified,
And ultimately, where what you do and where you do it, can only be determined by your self.
A ground of difference that reveals the conflict & contradictions that Dubai desperately tries to hide.
To be ambivalent is to have simultaneously conflicting feelings.
Why can't architecture be ambivalent?
An interior where architecture dissolves into densities of columns.
What used to be walls is now an entirely open threshold, bounded by horizon.
An open threshold inhabited only by metrics of light, wind and view.
The other side of Dubai, beyond the branded city of spectacle, is desert.
The desert is a place where territory is defined not by lines, but by moments in landscape. Where nothing is fixed, where movement is transient and nomadic.
temenos is a space so large that it creates a nature in and of itself.
It erases program, it erases value.
...what starts in desert, ends in desert