
The project is operating with the social and physical elements of the encounters in the city: as in the types and the size of the meetings. In context of London I am speculating in the Social as commodity.

I believe Casual encounters, is an under rated quality of London in context of its future development. I am talking about encounters such as The Chelsea Flower Show, Frieze Masters, Public events at the Trafalgar Square as well as the Festival Britain in 1951.

My project is an intervention, from one to one encounters up to over 1000 people coming together, will contribute to meetings of people in various scale and various qualities.

SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 2147 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

Site + Insertion


Initial enocunter

Initial encounter_project review small

XS + S

Image_insertion XS small

Insertion XL

Over 1000 people coming together

The constructed situation - setting up an encounter

One of three constructed situations created by isolating the live realm and chaining the urban setting by bringing in already scanned elements from the site with ambition of creating encounters of various sizes and qualities.