
The project is a strategic project for communal housing in Saint Petersburg titled “ NEW BIT”. “Bit” is a very particular word existing only in Russian language which is to describe the way you live everyday ... that is what in english we would translate “the form of life”.

The design is a type of housing for professionals, students or couples and is testing if ideas of soviet architectural legacy can be used for the needs of new, modern type of citizen and new challenges he brings.Through this project I am aiming to invent a system of the prototype of new bit which could be used in abandoned buildings of St.Petersburg and could be repeat at any other location.

In order to prove the system I have tested 3 potential locations, which are abandoned factories. Through the monumental interiors of these locations I want to highlight the idea of community and to emphasize that the collectiveness is not only the matter of fact but also the idealogical aspect.

The design is the generic system which visually creates second facade of the existing building.Self standing steel towers are connected to the existing building through the interior scaffold staircase. The big interior of the factory is the main organism of the “New Bit” and acts as sort of living room like within classical apartment.

It is a new, unique, ‘byt’, in conditions where people are free to choose their companions for housing, thereby providing a strong sense of unity among themselves. I believe it is a good time now to rethink the idea of communal housing in Russia and maybe create new form of life.

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