SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 2239 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

Step study

Study of the inhabitation of the "step" varying form and scale.

Trafalgar square augmented elevation

Real and "experience-based" elevation of trafalgar square.

The big staircase

Proposal for a public square based on the analysis of trafalgar square. The proposal organises "steps" into different groups: circulation in green, outlooks in blue and relative shelter in red.

Material test

Search for a representation of Vantrablack, the most absorbant black paint (top), and Litracon, a transparent concrete (bottom).


A new take on collecting and using a collection as a library of references.


In the steps of OMA, composing programs.

LaVillette proposal

Proposal for a remake of the LaVillette competition. Proposed is a field of columns capable of producing mostly "immaterial" programs: wifi, heat, sound, projection and food.


Light-study for a room based on psychological horror-movies.


Transition from the photograph of a model (right) to a drawing of it. Inspired by the Farnsworth House by Mies.