Transparency, Privacy, Program

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Continuous Gallery Bedroom Collage

Intimacy and Privacy Collide.

In this imaginary city the implementation of a translucent material - luminoso - provokes an extraordinary lifestyle.

1:50 Reinterpretation of the Mobius House by UN Studio

This 1:50 models uses the window to reinterpret the original Mobius House. By strategically placing windows to shield areas of privacy whilst still maintaining a vertical relationship with nature and light, the result is a facade completely closed in elevation, but breaks and view points in plan. Light enters the south facade of the house, the focal point here being the first floor bathroom and bedrooms.

Reconfiguration of the Mobius House by UN Studio

An alteration of the whole house according to the time spent in each area.

Out of Bounds

Through casting I experimented with the representation of how our lives will leak out into the eye of the public; that even with perfectly calculated areas of dwelling our nature is unpredictable.


This video explores the sensation and beauty of being able to orientate oneself purely by looking up. We can sometimes feel so closed and small in this daunting city, but here I tried to turn this narrow view and see it as infinite.

Defining the Void of Borough Market

Redefining the void of Borough Market, Inside with no Outside.

A void is fundamentally empty space, it has no program, it has no fixed inhabitant. The void of Borough Market is therefore defined by the space that lies between program and roof. This void leaks out as breaks and openings in the roof allow for infinite moments of ascension.

Redesigning the Void

From the empty unutilised void between program and roof, this proposition suggests a merge between program and roofs. The design is dictated by both category and volume of activity held within the grounds of Borough Market. Through this design the void is fundamentally abolished.

Inhabiting the Roof

Sectioning through the utilised void I began to speculate on how each segment would be inhabited, highlighting the various activities and lighting conditions.

Buckles & Brogues

Behind the brick walls, we pass everyday, lies a microcosm of lives, the ordinary moment.

How often to we get the chance to step into these worlds, to see the life of a complete stranger. Our lives can be quiet and sometimes banal, they are not a Hollywood Blockbuster, but they are a story nonetheless. The extraordinary ordinary.