monuments are frozen in time, but they are misread and can be instated. creating an opportunity for an intervention by inserting architecture that celebrates its symbolic dispossession whilst reinvesting the sacred

SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 1902 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

Empire State's Monumentality

monument of the monument, exposure of the façades onto the rest of the city

Notre Dame's monumentality

from walking around the city, it is possible to identify the monumentality of the monument

It is forgetten

the city starts to forget the ornamentation

Bible and Facade

bible dictates the façades, and they can be viewed as the same thing

Abstracting ornamentation

how Gothic architecture can be simplified

Biblical stories told by ornamentation

loss of detail equals loss of detail in the bible

Transforming the flying buttress

transforming what Christianity was, architecturally, into what it is now

Illusion of a perfect monument

seemingly perfect it is actually tilted

Proposal of the new Notre Dame

putting illusion into extreme and creating hidden spaces within the cathedral

Programme of within the cathedral

two groups of people can have two distinct skyline experiences of the cathedral