Embedded Intelligence

In nature, systems perform optimally through the effective differentiation of matter and hierarchy— from the material organizations of shells to the social behavior found in bee colonies. In material systems, such as tortoise and lobster shells, variable stiffness achieves structural rigidity while maintaining flexibility within a single surface.
In social collective systems, ants and bees employ finely choreographed rule sets to establish robustness within a single colony or nest. Across the many scales of natural phenomena, intelligence in variation and distribution leads to highly effective and differentiated performance.

The 10-day intensive workshop investigates the concepts, logic, and organisation of hierarchical distribution in biological systems for the design and construction of a full-scale continuous surface structure.

Embedded Intelligence combines material research and computational design methods as a means of developing optimal digital fabrication strategies.
Exploring the possibility for biological models to influence and enhance architectural systems, wherein intelligence is embedded through differentiated yet continuous performative surfaces.

Workshop participants design, fabricate and construct a composite structure on the East River. Responsive to the river’s flows and fluctuations, the structure serves as a prototype for future research and development in the area of highly effective and differentiated performative systems.

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New York Visiting School

New York Visiting School

New York Visiting School

New York Visiting School

New York Visiting School

New York

AA Visiting School