Folded Force

Revolving around the main theme of "Bridges" and "Dialogues", drawing benefit from the city's rich history and its position as a "Gate to the West", to underline the essence of the productive interaction of culture and civilizations in Europe.
The aim being to investigate how well existing buildings with various sight lines and variant spatial grammars perform according to human perception and how cultural factors, personal preferences, experiences, and expectations have led to their transformation focusing on the aspect of connection.
Constructing a single large-scale model acting as an active nod of communication among the various locations.

SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 2025 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

Patras Visiting School

“Aethyr” interactive installation (photo: Alexandros Kallegias)

Patras Visiting School

“Aethyr” interactive installation interior view (photo: Alexandros Kallegias)

Patras Visiting School

“Aethyr” interactive installation surface pattern (photo: Alexandros Kallegias)

Patras Visiting School

Students working on the stitching pattern of their final prototype (photo: Alexandros Kallegias)

Patras Visiting School

Students creating a stitching pattern on their final prototype (photo: Alexandros Kallegias)