
Decentralize Housing

Strong government control has always been a feature of Cuban social and economic policy, but it has tended to minimize initiatives at the local level. Numbers of organizations at community level were founded by the local government. Centralized control of resources has made it difficult for decentralized to implement plans, with the community input and participation. Planning tends to occur vertically within each ministry, making it more difficult to co-ordinate development strategies at the community level.
Havana and Cuba as a whole will be changing rapidly in the immediate future because of its current political turning point, displacement of people, cul de sac like living spaces will be created informally, slumification and social inequalities resulting in problems of housing people. The project proposing a new housing system in Havana, in hoping to have the system architecturally decentralize top to bottom government power, re-infusing the helping community organizations and culture back to the housing fabricating process, providing a flexible and adaptable and decentralized live with work space for Cuban to face and absorb the upcoming changes and situations.

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Kowloon Walled City Layout

Kowloon Walled City Minimum Dimension Catalogue and Recreational Roofscape

Zoom in study of Multi-functional Factory and Corridor

Couple and Divorce Housing Units

Decentralize Housing Plan

From Day to Evening and Night

Couple Housing Unit and Combinations

Total Divorce Housing Unit

Vertical Farming Core connects all floors to the housing forum below

Public Corridor, shop front facing farming core

Community Corridor for residents