Necessary Monsters, a brief based on designing a series of projects based on the structure of games. All 7 projects are influenced by one form, a gelatine model , which is then placed in different scales, XS, S, SM, M, L and XL.

Within the showcase are,
- XS Human Twister
- S Darts
- L Monopoly City
- XL Maze City

Each one of these have their own set of rules and directions, which compiles the structure, system and organisation of the space.

SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 1958 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

Original Gelatine Model

Form model, all projects based on the model, and expanded in different scales.

Original Gelatine Model

Form model, all projects based on the model, and expanded in different scales.

XS and XL: Human Twister and Maze City Model

What if the program is unknown and unseen. Programs are only located at the top of the towers. Their purpose and their location are only revealed when you get to the top. By the time you come back down, their locations would have changed again.

XL Maze City Axo

this is the city as an entire maze. You need to go up the towers to see where you are, complete the program, come back down and try to figure your way out of it. The towers move every hour. And there are walls on the towers so you can't just look up and see where they are.

XS Game board of the Human Twister

What if the programme and space are created by the position and structure of the player's bodies?

XS Twister Drawings

This a three dimensional twister game, where the aim of the is that the body of the players then creates a new space, furnitures to be exact for people outside of the game.

L Monopoly City Drawings

What if programs are only experienced in fixed separations, roads only connect to what you own in the city.

L Monopoly City Model 2

Resin and acrylic Model

L Monopoly City Model 1

S- Darts

What if program and space gives spatial gifts?

Human Twister

What if the programme and space are created by the position and structure of the player's bodies?

This a three dimensional twister game, where the aim of the is that the body of the players then creates a new space, furnitures to be exact for people outside of the game.

Human Twister

What if the programme and space are created by the position and structure of the player's bodies?

This a three dimensional twister game, where the aim of the is that the body of the players then creates a new space, furnitures to be exact for people outside of the game.