Media is becoming an important learning machine. Education as we know it will disappear this will mean the demise of the physical learning space.

My proposal outlines the necessity for education to be communicated through infrastructure. I do not believe that media is being used wrongfully because the greater social goal of education is that it should be as easily available to everyone as possible. Because this is incontestable my proposed school does not act as a fix, but it does take a position on contemporary education. The isolated school needs to live on to produce the designs of the future, to push the regular boundaries of society for the sole purpose to advance.

‘Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.’

However these epochs have passed --- it is a new epoch--- and it is time that the architecture be re-employed into a dying model. The answer is not to throw away but to redefine not to rebuild but to inhabit, not to forget but to dream. Let us at least leave an instance of the once purest form of acquiring knowledge.

The project is defined by a series of architectural medians. The Bauhaus’ complex teaching model, Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon and its demise as the strongest diagram of power, the progression of prison infrastructure in Foucault’s Discipline & Punishment, the monastic cell as the reformative learning cubicle for contemplation. Tackling the project on three scales, the cell, the central void and the city, what is finally proposed is a reactivated void in response to the dying model of the Panopticon where all the complementary program would happen in contrast with the cells lining the corridors.

Existing prison infrastructure will be the new monastery the new colony and the new university.

SELECT * FROM students_images2 WHERE student_id = 2475 AND is_visible = 1 ORDER BY sort_order

A University A Prison A Colony

The Bauhaus

The Colony in 1854

The Alternate City for Isolation

The Provocation

The Programmatic Core

The Image of the School

The Monastic Room

The Monastery

The University