Our first AA Collections Talk of the year was by architectural historian Andrew Higgott on the AA's former Secretary F R Yerbury and his contribution to early modernist photography and the AA Photo Library

In Term 3 AA Membership hosted a trio of AA XX 100 Collections talks in partnership with the AA Library, Archive and AA XX 100 team, the lectures looked at women in architecture at the AA and beyond and gave guests exclusive access to related materials in the AA archives. The lectures included: Iain Jackson of the University of Liverpool speaking about the Tropical Modernism of Jane Drew’s work, Katie Lloyd Thomas on Elizabeth Benjamin and Patrick Zamarian talking about the AA in the post-war era which even included Alumni of the era in attendance - all lectures can be found online

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AA Collections Talk Andrew Higgott on F R Yerbury Photo by Valerie Bennett

Looking through AA Collections material at AA XX 100 Collections Talk Ian Jackson on Jane Drew Photo Eduardo Andreu Gonzalez

Patrick Zamarian Lecture on the AA in the Post War Period Photo by Eduardo Andreu Gonzalez